Spiritual Formation: Rule of Life

We form habits and follow rhythms in life whether we realize it or not. What we read, see, listen to, and invest time in forms us. Days, months, and years go by and we can wonder why we are stuck in the same patterns or dealing with the same issues. How do we live with intention and develop rhythms and habits that lead to growth, refining, and health?

One of the practices that has helped me immensely in my walk with God and spiritual formation has been a “rule of life.” Don’t let the word rule turn you away from this practice. Rule comes from The Rule of St. Benedict where rule is derived from the latin regula, meaning “a recognizable standard, rhythm, regularity of pattern.” The word for “rule” is also connected to the Greek word for “trellis,” that which upholds a plant and helps it to grow. A rule of life establishes intentional rhythms and habits providing a trellis for spiritual growth.

“A rule of life, on the other hand, helps you become. It is comprised of several simple statements that guide the posture of your life and the living of your days. It is not lived perfectly but can be lived faithfully while fostering within you an integrated and embodied life of faith.” -Sacred Ordinary Days

Years ago I was reading aloud The Rule of St. Benedict with my daughter as we were studying history in our homeschool. I loved the rhythms of prayer, reading the psalms, and habits of intentionality throughout their daily life. I started building in set times of prayer throughout the day. Around this time, a friend recommended the Sacred Ordinary Days planner, and that began my practice of establishing a rule of life. It is a not a list of do’s and don’ts focused only on one area, but a wholistic vision for what God made you to become.

There are many different ways to develop your own personal rule of life. While there are no required categories or practices to include, I would suggest including prayer, scripture, worship, and rest. You can make it simple with a couple of categories or statements, or it can be complex and multi-faceted. Your rule of life is for you, and the goal is to be formed into the image of Christ as you abide in Him, so let Him guide you into the type of trellis that you need to grow.

Here are some simple guidelines to get you started

  • Set aside time to be still and pray

  • Consider your life, your struggles, patterns, and habits. Write down what comes to mind.

  • Consider your personality, relationships, season of life, goals, and hopes. Write down what comes to mind.

  • Listen to what God brings to the surface in your heart and mind.

  • Begin to form some simple, practical statements of rhythms, habits, or practices that you can begin.

  • A rule of life should not feel rigid, so revisit it, refine, and revise as God leads you.

Weekly Examen

One of the many beauties of practicing a rule of life is the weekly examen. This is a time you set apart weekly to reflect on the previous week. This is not a time of criticism or guilt, but an honest personal reflection so that you can look to the week ahead with intentionality and renewed purpose. After time of prayer and reflection, look ahead to the coming week and renew your commitment, list specific things to focus on in light of your reflection and prayer time.

This is a brief introduction to establishing a Rule of Life. There are many resources available to guide you through the process, and I’ve provided links to some below. I pray that you will be inspired to pursue a rule of life for yourself, your family, or your work or church community and you will experience the freedom and growth that comes from having this trellis to support your walk with God.

Book Resources:

Podcast Resources:

More Resources:


Education: Homeschooling High School


Medicine: Simple Nutritious Toddler Foods