Education: College Application Process for Homeschoolers *Transcript*

One of the most frequent questions I have found in regards to homeschooling high school and college applications is how to prepare the transcript. There are many options and choosing will depend on what works best for your homeschool style and your student. You can use Google docs, pages/word, excel/numbers, or any other format that works for you.

A few basics are…

  • Keep it to one page.

  • Keep it clutter-free and easy to read.

  • Label it “Official Homeschool Transcript” and put school name and contact information on the top header (include student name, date of birth, address, email, phone number, anticipated graduation date, and optionally social security number.) I also list parent/counselor names and email contact information.

Core Five x Four

As you are planning the high school years it is helpful to think in terms of content areas. The most common areas of study are English/Language Arts, Social Science, Math, Science, Foreign Language. Within these five core areas, you can plan for four years of study. Not all universities will require four years of each of these, but some do, so it is advantageous to plan for four and adjust as necessary. You can organize your transcript content areas in two different ways. You can create a section for each grade, ie. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, or you can create a section for each of the core five content areas (plus elective and other areas to be discussed below.) Within each section list course name (include whether it is honors, advanced placement/AP, or dual enrollment/DE), grade, and credit.

Discuss these content areas with your child and decide together what courses you want to take or create to fulfill these requirements. There are so many wonderful options, so don’t fear, and don’t forget to think outside the box.

Non-Core and Electives

For the non-core content areas, some of the most common are fine arts, physical education, and electives. You can add or adjust these depending on your homeschool. Depending on whether you organize your transcript by grade level or content area, you can place these courses in their respective section.

The Numbers

Be sure to include a summary of the numbers. These should include cumulative units/credits and cumulative grade point average (GPA) either weighted, unweighted, or both. If you organize by year, you can add in a yearly credits and yearly GPA too. Optionally, you can also include your grading scale and your weighting criteria.


Another area you can add to the transcript is distinctions. Not all universities will require or have the option of uploading a resume, so adding 3-5 key distinctions can enhance the transcript. Some options are highest standardized test scores, national honors or recognitions, other significant awards, or volunteer hours.


Please reach out and comment on this post on Instagram or contact me via Email if you have specific questions that weren’t answered here.



Education: College Application Process for Homeschoolers *Resume*


Education: College Application Process for Homeschoolers